My mummy is a very adventurous person. She is very different from everyone else. I’m a lucky boy because she don’t really care if I do well in school or not.
Sometimes I pity her. People sometimes says she fail as I don’t do well at school, because I am autistic and I am dyslexic. The only way for me to communicatd is online and through writing with my ipad. (I cannot write normally. It will all be backwards. And I have problems talking. It hurt my head when I do.)
But I think mummy is amazing. Cousins my age all have to go tuitions and have no life outside school, and they get scolded even when they score their exam, but I don’t have to worry about that and get to see the world because of her. They always show off. Friends too. I never like it. But it is okay. They don’t get to have fun like me.
Last week, we followed trip with Tourism Malaysia Selangor. We had fun. A lot. I like the people there. They are kind and friendly. Not like some people I meet. They don’t look at me as if I’m a freak or call me retard.
We went to alot places in just one day.

First we went to Gua Damai. For rock climbing. Mummy did rock climbing. But she don’t let me do it. Because it is too tall.

Then we visited a homestay. We get to eat nasi upah and cook sambal tempe.

And then, we visited a Batik shop. It is called Barakaff Exclusive. Here, we get to to do Batik painting at the factory area

Lastly, we stay a night in Eco Murai Rimba. It is a nice and quiet place and there is a river just opposite of it where everyone go and swim the next day.
I will tell you more about these places. It is really fun. I promise.
Stay tune, for more. You can also follow our family blog https://blogging- helped with video and picture edit there because mummy don’t know how) or my instagram @aliengotravel for update. π Say hi. And I will say hi to you back.